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Micrometer and OpenTelemetry extension

This extension provides support for both Micrometer and OpenTelemetry in Quarkus applications. It streamlines integration by incorporating both extensions along with a bridge that enables sending Micrometer metrics via OpenTelemetry.

This technology is considered preview.

In preview, backward compatibility and presence in the ecosystem is not guaranteed. Specific improvements might require changing configuration or APIs, and plans to become stable are under way. Feedback is welcome on our mailing list or as issues in our GitHub issue tracker.

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This document is part of the Observability in Quarkus reference guide which features this and other observability related components.

  • This extension is available since Quarkus version 3.19.

  • The Micrometer Guide is available for detailed information about the Micrometer extension.

  • The OpenTelemetry Guide provides information about the OpenTelemetry extension.

The extension allows the normal use of the Micrometer API, but have the metrics handled by the OpenTelemetry extension.

As an example, the @Timed annotation from Micrometer is used to measure the execution time of a method:

import io.micrometer.core.annotation.Timed;
@Timed(name = "timer_metric")
public String timer() {
    return "OK";

The output telemetry data is handled by the OpenTelemetry SDK and sent by the quarkus-opentelemetry extension exporter using the OTLP protocol.

This reduces the overhead of having an independent Micrometer registry plus the OpenTelemetry SDK in memory for the same application when both quarkus-micrometer and quarkus-opentelemetry extensions are used independently.

The OpenTelemetry SDK will handle all metrics. Either Micrometer metrics (manual or automatic) and OpenTelemetry Metrics can be used. All are available with this single extension.

All the configurations from the OpenTelemetry and Micrometer extensions are available with quarkus-micrometer-opentelemetry.

The bridge is more than the simple OTLP registry found in Quarkiverse. In this extension, the OpenTelemetry SDK provides a Micrometer registry implementation based on the micrometer/micrometer-1.5 OpenTelemetry instrumentation library.


If you already have your Quarkus project configured, you can add the quarkus-micrometer-opentelemetry extension to your project by running the following command in your project base directory:

quarkus extension add micrometer-opentelemetry
./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions='micrometer-opentelemetry'
./gradlew addExtension --extensions='micrometer-opentelemetry'

This will add the following to your build file:



When the extension is present, Micrometer is enabled by default as are OpenTelemetry tracing, metrics and logs.

OpenTelemetry metrics auto-instrumentation for HTTP server and JVM metrics are disabled by default because those metrics can be collected by Micrometer.

Specific automatic Micrometer metrics are all disabled by default and can be enabled by setting, for example in the case of JVM metrics:


in the application.properties file.

For this and other properties you can use with the extension, Please refer to:

Metric differences between Micrometer and OpenTelemetry

API differences

The metrics produced with each framework follow different APIs and the mapping is not 1:1.

One fundamental API difference is that Micrometer uses a Timer and OpenTelemetry uses a Histogram to record latency (execution time) metrics and the frequency of the events.

When using the @Timed annotation with Micrometer, 2 different metrics are created on the OpenTelemetry side, one Gauge for the max value and one Histogram.

The DistributionSummary from Micrometer is transformed into a Histogram and a DoubleGauge for the max value. If service level objectives (slo) are set to true when creating a DistributionSummary, an additional histogram is created for them.

This table shows the differences between the two frameworks:

Micrometer OpenTelemetry


<Metric name> (Histogram), <Metric name>.max (DoubleGauge)

DistributionSummary with SLOs

<Metric name> (Histogram), <Metric name>.max (DoubleGauge), <Metric name>.histogram (DoubleGauge)


<Metric name>.active (ObservableLongUpDownCounter), <Metric name>.duration (ObservableDoubleUpDownCounter)


<Metric name> (Histogram), <Metric name>.max (ObservableDoubleGauge)

Semantic convention differences

The 2 frameworks follow different semantic conventions. The OpenTelemetry Metrics are based on the OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions and are still under active development (early 2025). Micrometer metrics convention format is around for a long time and has not changed much.

When these 2 configurations are set in the application.properties file:


The JVM and HTTP server metrics are collected by Micrometer.

Next, are examples of the metrics collected by Micrometer and a comparison of what would be the quarkus-micrometer-registry-prometheus output vs the one on this bridge. A link to the equivalent OpenTelemetry Semantic Convention is also provided for reference and is not currently used in the bridge.

Micrometer Meter Quarkus Micrometer Prometheus output This bridge OpenTelemetry output name Related OpenTelemetry Semantic Convention (not applied)

Using the @Timed interceptor.

method.timed (Histogram), method.timed.max (DoubleGauge)


Using the @Counted interceptor.

method.counted (DoubleSum)


http.server.active.requests (Gauge)

http_server_active_requests (Gauge)

http.server.active.requests (DoubleGauge)

http.server.active_requests (UpDownCounter)

http.server.requests (Timer)

http_server_requests_seconds_count, http_server_requests_seconds_sum, http_server_requests_seconds_max (Gauge)

http.server.requests (Histogram), http.server.requests.max (DoubleGauge)

http.server.request.duration (Histogram)

http.server.bytes.read (DistributionSummary)

http_server_bytes_read_count, http_server_bytes_read_sum , http_server_bytes_read_max (Gauge)

http.server.bytes.read (Histogram), http.server.bytes.read.max (DoubleGauge)

http.server.request.body.size (Histogram)

http.server.bytes.write (DistributionSummary)

http_server_bytes_write_count, http_server_bytes_write_sum , http_server_bytes_write_max (Gauge)

http.server.bytes.write (Histogram), http.server.bytes.write.max (DoubleGauge)

http.server.response.body.size (Histogram)

http.server.connections (LongTaskTimer)

http_server_connections_seconds_active_count, http_server_connections_seconds_duration_sum http_server_connections_seconds_max (Gauge)

http.server.connections.active (LongSum), http.server.connections.duration (DoubleGauge)


jvm.threads.live (Gauge)

jvm_threads_live_threads (Gauge)

jvm.threads.live (DoubleGauge)

jvm.threads.live (UpDownCounter)

jvm.threads.started (FunctionCounter)

jvm_threads_started_threads_total (Counter)

jvm.threads.started (DoubleSum)

jvm.threads.live (UpDownCounter)

jvm.threads.daemon (Gauge)

jvm_threads_daemon_threads (Gauge)

jvm.threads.daemon (DoubleGauge)

jvm.threads.live (UpDownCounter)

jvm.threads.peak (Gauge)

jvm_threads_peak_threads (Gauge)

jvm.threads.peak (DoubleGauge)


jvm.threads.states (Gauge per state)

jvm_threads_states_threads (Gauge)

jvm.threads.states (DoubleGauge)

jvm.threads.live (UpDownCounter)

Some metrics might be missing from the output if they contain no data.

See the output

Grafana-OTel-LGTM Dev Service

You can use the Grafana-OTel-LGTM Dev Service.

This Dev Service includes Grafana for visualizing data, Loki to store logs, Tempo to store traces and Prometheus to store metrics. It also provides an OTel collector to receive the data

Logging exporter

You can output all metrics to the console by setting the exporter to logging in the application.properties file:

quarkus.otel.metrics.exporter=logging (1)
quarkus.otel.metric.export.interval=10000ms (2)
1 Set the exporter to logging. Normally you don’t need to set this. The default is cdi.
2 Set the interval to export the metrics. The default is 1m, which is too long for debugging.

Also add this dependency to your project:


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