Using OpenID Connect (OIDC) multitenancy
This guide demonstrates how your OpenID Connect (OIDC) application can support multitenancy to serve multiple tenants from a single application. These tenants can be distinct realms or security domains within the same OIDC provider or even distinct OIDC providers.
Each customer functions as a distinct tenant when serving multiple customers from the same application, such as in a SaaS environment. By enabling multitenancy support to your applications, you can support distinct authentication policies for each tenant, even authenticating against different OIDC providers, such as Keycloak and Google.
To authorize a tenant by using Bearer Token Authorization, see the OpenID Connect (OIDC) Bearer token authentication guide.
To authenticate and authorize a tenant by using the OIDC authorization code flow, read the OpenID Connect authorization code flow mechanism for protecting web applications guide.
Also, see the OpenID Connect (OIDC) configuration properties reference guide.
To complete this guide, you need:
Roughly 15 minutes
JDK 17+ installed with
configured appropriately -
Apache Maven 3.9.9
A working container runtime (Docker or Podman)
Optionally the Quarkus CLI if you want to use it
Optionally Mandrel or GraalVM installed and configured appropriately if you want to build a native executable (or Docker if you use a native container build)
In this example, we build a very simple application that supports two resource methods:
This resource returns information obtained from the ID token issued by the OIDC provider about the authenticated user and the current tenant.
This resource returns information obtained from the Access Token issued by the OIDC provider about the authenticated user and the current tenant.
For a thorough understanding, we recommend you build the application by following the upcoming step-by-step instructions.
Alternatively, if you prefer to start with the completed example, clone the Git repository: git clone
, or download an archive.
The solution is located in the security-openid-connect-multi-tenancy-quickstart
Creating the Maven project
First, we need a new project. Create a new project with the following command:
For Windows users:
If using cmd, (don’t use backward slash
and put everything on the same line) -
If using Powershell, wrap
parameters in double quotes e.g."-DprojectArtifactId=security-openid-connect-multi-tenancy-quickstart"
If you already have your Quarkus project configured, add the oidc
extension to your project by running the following command in your project base directory:
quarkus extension add oidc
./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions='oidc'
./gradlew addExtension --extensions='oidc'
This adds the following to your build file:
Writing the application
Start by implementing the /{tenant}
As you can see from the source code below, it is just a regular Jakarta REST resource:
package org.acme.quickstart.oidc;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken;
import io.quarkus.oidc.IdToken;
public class HomeResource {
* Injection point for the ID Token issued by the OIDC provider.
JsonWebToken idToken;
* Injection point for the Access Token issued by the OIDC provider.
JsonWebToken accessToken;
* Returns the ID Token info.
* This endpoint exists only for demonstration purposes.
* Do not expose this token in a real application.
* @return ID Token info
public String getIdTokenInfo() {
StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder().append("<html>")
response.append("<h2>Welcome, ").append(this.idToken.getClaim("email").toString()).append("</h2>\n");
response.append("<h3>You are accessing the application within tenant <b>").append(idToken.getIssuer()).append(" boundaries</b></h3>");
return response.append("</body>").append("</html>").toString();
* Returns the Access Token info.
* This endpoint exists only for demonstration purposes.
* Do not expose this token in a real application.
* @return Access Token info
public String getAccessTokenInfo() {
StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder().append("<html>")
response.append("<h2>Welcome, ").append(this.accessToken.getClaim("email").toString()).append("</h2>\n");
response.append("<h3>You are accessing the application within tenant <b>").append(accessToken.getIssuer()).append(" boundaries</b></h3>");
return response.append("</body>").append("</html>").toString();
To resolve the tenant from incoming requests and map it to a specific quarkus-oidc
tenant configuration in
, create an implementation for the io.quarkus.oidc.TenantConfigResolver
interface, which can dynamically resolve tenant configurations:
package org.acme.quickstart.oidc;
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.config.ConfigProvider;
import io.quarkus.oidc.OidcRequestContext;
import io.quarkus.oidc.OidcTenantConfig;
import io.quarkus.oidc.OidcTenantConfig.ApplicationType;
import io.quarkus.oidc.TenantConfigResolver;
import io.quarkus.oidc.runtime.OidcUtils;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
public class CustomTenantResolver implements TenantConfigResolver {
public Uni<OidcTenantConfig> resolve(RoutingContext context, OidcRequestContext<OidcTenantConfig> requestContext) {
String path = context.request().path();
if (path.startsWith("/tenant-a")) {
String keycloakUrl = ConfigProvider.getConfig().getValue("keycloak.url", String.class);
OidcTenantConfig config = OidcTenantConfig
.authServerUrl(keycloakUrl + "/realms/tenant-a")
return Uni.createFrom().item(config);
} else {
// resolve to default tenant config
return Uni.createFrom().nullItem();
In the preceding implementation, tenants are resolved from the request path.
If no tenant can be inferred, null
is returned to indicate that the default tenant configuration should be used.
The tenant-a
application type is hybrid
; it can accept HTTP bearer tokens if provided.
Otherwise, it initiates an authorization code flow when authentication is required.
Configuring the application
# Default tenant configuration
# Tenant A configuration is created dynamically in CustomTenantConfigResolver
# HTTP security configuration
The first configuration is the default tenant configuration that should be used when the tenant cannot be inferred from the request.
Be aware that a %prod
profile prefix is used with quarkus.oidc.auth-server-url
to support testing a multitenant application with Dev Services For Keycloak.
This configuration uses a Keycloak instance to authenticate users.
The second configuration, provided by TenantConfigResolver
, is used when an incoming request is mapped to the tenant-a
Both configurations map to the same Keycloak server instance while using distinct realms
Alternatively, you can configure the tenant tenant-a
directly in
# Default tenant configuration
# Tenant A configuration
# HTTP security configuration
In that case, also use a custom TenantConfigResolver
to resolve it:
package org.acme.quickstart.oidc;
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import io.quarkus.oidc.TenantResolver;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
public class CustomTenantResolver implements TenantResolver {
public String resolve(RoutingContext context) {
String path = context.request().path();
String[] parts = path.split("/");
if (parts.length == 0) {
//Resolve to default tenant configuration
return null;
return parts[1];
You can define multiple tenants in your configuration file.
To map them correctly when resolving a tenant from your TenantResolver
implementation, ensure each has a unique alias.
However, using a static tenant resolution, which involves configuring tenants in
and resolving them with TenantResolver
, does not work for testing endpoints with Dev Services for Keycloak because it does not know how the requests are be mapped to individual tenants, and cannot dynamically provide tenant-specific quarkus.oidc.<tenant-id>.auth-server-url
values. Therefore, using %prod
prefixes with tenant-specific URLs within
does not work in both test and development modes.
When a current tenant represents an OIDC
This is how Quarkus OIDC resolves static custom tenants if no custom A similar technique can be used with |
If you also use Hibernate ORM multitenancy or MongoDB with Panache multitenancy and both tenant ids are the same,
you can get the tenant id from the |
Starting and configuring the Keycloak server
To start a Keycloak server, you can use Docker and run the following command:
docker run --name keycloak -e KC_BOOTSTRAP_ADMIN_USERNAME=admin -e KC_BOOTSTRAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin -p 8180:8080{keycloak.version} start-dev
where keycloak.version
is set to 26.0.7
or higher.
Access your Keycloak server at localhost:8180.
Log in as the admin
user to access the Keycloak administration console.
The username and password are both admin
Now, import the realms for the two tenants:
Import the default-tenant-realm.json to create the default realm.
Import the tenant-a-realm.json to create the realm for the tenant
For more information, see the Keycloak documentation about how to create a new realm.
Running and using the application
Running in developer mode
To run the microservice in dev mode, use:
quarkus dev
./mvnw quarkus:dev
./gradlew --console=plain quarkusDev
Running in JVM mode
After exploring the application in dev mode, you can run it as a standard Java application.
First, compile it:
quarkus build
./mvnw install
./gradlew build
Then run it:
java -jar target/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar
Running in native mode
This same demo can be compiled into native code; no modifications are required.
This implies that you no longer need to install a JVM on your production environment, as the runtime technology is included in the produced binary, and optimized to run with minimal resources.
Compilation takes a bit longer, so this step is turned off by default; let’s build again by enabling the native build:
quarkus build --native
./mvnw install -Dnative
./gradlew build -Dquarkus.native.enabled=true
After a little while, you can run this binary directly:
Test the application
Use Dev Services for Keycloak
Dev Services for Keycloak is recommended for the integration testing against Keycloak.
Dev Services for Keycloak launches and initializes a test container: it imports configured realms and sets a base Keycloak URL for the CustomTenantResolver
to calculate a realm-specific URL.
First, add the following dependencies:
provides a utility class io.quarkus.test.keycloak.client.KeycloakTestClient
for acquiring the realm specific access tokens and which you can use with RestAssured
for testing the /{tenant}/bearer
endpoint expecting bearer access tokens.
tests the /{tenant}
endpoint and the authorization code flow.
Next, configure the required realms:
# Default tenant configuration
# Tenant A configuration is created dynamically in CustomTenantConfigResolver
# HTTP security configuration
Finally, write your test, which runs in JVM mode:
package org.acme.quickstart.oidc;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import org.htmlunit.SilentCssErrorHandler;
import org.htmlunit.WebClient;
import org.htmlunit.html.HtmlForm;
import org.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest;
import io.quarkus.test.keycloak.client.KeycloakTestClient;
import io.restassured.RestAssured;
public class CodeFlowTest {
KeycloakTestClient keycloakClient = new KeycloakTestClient();
public void testLogInDefaultTenant() throws IOException {
try (final WebClient webClient = createWebClient()) {
HtmlPage page = webClient.getPage("http://localhost:8081/default");
assertEquals("Sign in to quarkus", page.getTitleText());
HtmlForm loginForm = page.getForms().get(0);
page = loginForm.getButtonByName("login").click();
public void testLogInTenantAWebApp() throws IOException {
try (final WebClient webClient = createWebClient()) {
HtmlPage page = webClient.getPage("http://localhost:8081/tenant-a");
assertEquals("Sign in to tenant-a", page.getTitleText());
HtmlForm loginForm = page.getForms().get(0);
page = loginForm.getButtonByName("login").click();
public void testLogInTenantABearerToken() throws IOException {
private String getAccessToken() {
return keycloakClient.getRealmAccessToken("tenant-a", "alice", "alice", "multi-tenant-client", "secret");
private WebClient createWebClient() {
WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
webClient.setCssErrorHandler(new SilentCssErrorHandler());
return webClient;
In native mode:
package org.acme.quickstart.oidc;
import io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusIntegrationTest;
public class CodeFlowIT extends CodeFlowTest {
For more information about how it is initialized and configured, see Dev Services for Keycloak.
Use the browser
To test the application, open your browser and access the following URL:
If everything works as expected, you are redirected to the Keycloak server to authenticate.
Be aware that the requested path defines a default
tenant, which we don’t have mapped in the configuration file.
In this case, the default configuration is used.
To authenticate to the application, enter the following credentials in the Keycloak login page:
After clicking the Login button, you are redirected back to the application.
If you try now to access the application at the following URL:
You are redirected again to the Keycloak login page. However, this time, you are going to authenticate by using a different realm.
In both cases, the landing page shows the user’s name and email if the user is successfully authenticated.
Although alice
exists in both tenants, the application treats them as distinct users in separate realms.
Tenant resolution
Tenant resolution order
OIDC tenants are resolved in the following order:
annotation is checked first if the proactive authentication is disabled. -
Dynamic tenant resolution using a custom
. -
Static tenant resolution using one of these options: custom
, configured tenant paths, and defaulting to the last request path segment as a tenant id.
Finally, the default OIDC tenant is selected if a tenant id has not been resolved after the preceding steps.
See the following sections for more information:
Additionally, for the OIDC web-app
applications, the state and session cookies also provide a hint about the tenant resolved with one of the above mentioned options at the time when the authorization code flow started. See the Tenant resolution for OIDC web-app applications section for more information.
Resolve with annotations
You can use the io.quarkus.oidc.Tenant
annotation for resolving the tenant identifiers as an alternative to using io.quarkus.oidc.TenantResolver
Proactive HTTP authentication must be disabled ( |
Assuming your application supports two OIDC tenants, the hr
and default tenants, all resource methods and classes carrying @Tenant("hr")
are authenticated by using the OIDC provider configured by
In contrast, all other classes and methods are still authenticated by using the default OIDC provider.
import io.quarkus.oidc.Tenant;
public class HelloResource {
@Tenant("hr") (1)
public String sayHello() {
return "Hello!";
1 | The io.quarkus.oidc.Tenant annotation must be placed on either the resource class or resource method. |
In the example above, authentication of the Alternatively, if you use an the HTTP Security policy
to secure the endpoint, then, for the
The |
Dynamic tenant configuration resolution
If you need a more dynamic configuration for the different tenants you want to support and don’t want to end up with multiple
entries in your configuration file, you can use the io.quarkus.oidc.TenantConfigResolver
This interface allows you to dynamically create tenant configurations at runtime:
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
import io.quarkus.oidc.OidcRequestContext;
import io.quarkus.oidc.OidcTenantConfig;
import io.quarkus.oidc.TenantConfigResolver;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
public class CustomTenantConfigResolver implements TenantConfigResolver {
public Uni<OidcTenantConfig> resolve(RoutingContext context, OidcRequestContext<OidcTenantConfig> requestContext) {
String path = context.request().path();
String[] parts = path.split("/");
if (parts.length == 0) {
//Resolve to default tenant configuration
return null;
if ("tenant-c".equals(parts[1])) {
// Do 'return requestContext.runBlocking(createTenantConfig());'
// if a blocking call is required to create a tenant config,
return Uni.createFrom().item(createTenantConfig());
//Resolve to default tenant configuration
return null;
private Supplier<OidcTenantConfig> createTenantConfig() {
final OidcTenantConfig config = OidcTenantConfig
// Any other setting supported by the quarkus-oidc extension
return () -> config;
The OidcTenantConfig
returned by this method is the same one used to parse the oidc
namespace configuration from the
You can populate it by using any settings supported by the quarkus-oidc
If the dynamic tenant resolver returns null
, a Static tenant configuration resolution is attempted next.
Static tenant configuration resolution
When you set multiple tenant configurations in the
file, you only need to specify how the tenant identifier gets resolved.
To configure the resolution of the tenant identifier, use one of the following options:
These tenant resolution options are tried in the order they are listed until the tenant id gets resolved.
If the tenant id remains unresolved (null
), the default (unnamed) tenant configuration is selected.
Resolve with TenantResolver
The following
example shows how you can resolve the tenant identifier of two tenants named a
and b
by using the TenantResolver
# Tenant 'a' configuration
# Tenant 'b' configuration
You can return the tenant id of either a
or b
from io.quarkus.oidc.TenantResolver
import io.quarkus.oidc.TenantResolver;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
public class CustomTenantResolver implements TenantResolver {
public String resolve(RoutingContext context) {
String path = context.request().path();
if (path.endsWith("a")) {
return "a";
} else if (path.endsWith("b")) {
return "b";
} else {
// default tenant
return null;
In this example, the value of the last request path segment is a tenant id, but if required, you can implement a more complex tenant identifier resolution logic.
Configure tenant paths
You can use the quarkus.oidc.tenant-paths
configuration property for resolving the tenant identifier as an alternative to using io.quarkus.oidc.TenantResolver
Here is how you can select the hr
tenant for the sayHello
endpoint of the HelloResource
resource used in the previous example: (1)
quarkus.oidc.a.tenant-paths=/api/* (2)
quarkus.oidc.b.tenant-paths=/*/hello (3)
1 | Same path-matching rules apply as for the quarkus.http.auth.permission.authenticated.paths=/api/hello configuration property from the previous example. |
2 | The wildcard placed at the end of the path represents any number of path segments. However the path is less specific than the /api/hello , therefore the hr tenant will be used to secure the sayHello endpoint. |
3 | The wildcard in the /*/hello represents exactly one path segment. Nevertheless, the wildcard is less specific than the api , therefore the hr tenant will be used. |
Path-matching mechanism works exactly same as in the Authorization using configuration. |
Use last request path segment as tenant id
The default resolution for a tenant identifier is convention based, whereby the authentication request must include the tenant identifier in the last segment of the request path.
The following
example shows how you can configure two tenants named google
and github
# Tenant 'google' configuration${google-client-id}${google-client-secret}
# Tenant 'github' configuration
In the provided example, both tenants configure OIDC web-app
applications to use an authorization code flow to authenticate users and require session cookies to be generated after authentication.
After Google or GitHub authenticates the current user, the user gets returned to the /signed-in
area for authenticated users, such as a secured resource path on the JAX-RS endpoint.
Finally, to complete the default tenant resolution, set the following configuration property:
If the endpoint is running on http://localhost:8080
, you can also provide UI options for users to log in to either http://localhost:8080/google
or http://localhost:8080/github
, without having to add specific /google
or /github
JAX-RS resource paths.
Tenant identifiers are also recorded in the session cookie names after the authentication is completed.
Therefore, authenticated users can access the secured application area without requiring either the google
or github
path values to be included in the secured URL.
Default resolution can also work for Bearer token authentication. Still, it might be less practical because a tenant identifier must always be set as the last path segment value.
Resolve tenants with a token issuer claim
OIDC tenants which support Bearer token authentication can be resolved using the access token’s issuer. The following conditions must be met for the issuer-based resolution to work:
The access token must be in the JWT format and contain an issuer (
) token claim. -
Only OIDC tenants with the application type
are considered. These tenants must have a token issuer discovered or configured.
The issuer-based resolution is enabled with the quarkus.oidc.resolve-tenants-with-issuer
property. For example:
quarkus.oidc.resolve-tenants-with-issuer=true (1)
quarkus.oidc.tenant-a.auth-server-url=${tenant-a-oidc-provider} (2)
quarkus.oidc.tenant-b.auth-server-url=${tenant-b-oidc-provider} (3)
1 | Tenants tenant-a and tenant-b are resolved using a JWT access token’s issuer iss claim value. |
2 | Tenant tenant-a discovers the issuer from the OIDC provider’s well-known configuration endpoint. |
3 | Tenant tenant-b configures the issuer because its OIDC provider does not support the discovery. |
Tenant resolution for OIDC web-app applications
Tenant resolution for the OIDC web-app
applications must be done at least 3 times during an authorization code flow, when the OIDC tenant-specific configuration affects how each of the following steps is run.
When an unauthenticated user accesses a secured path, the user is redirected to the OIDC provider to authenticate and the tenant configuration is used to build the redirect URI.
All the static and dynamic tenant resolution options listed in the Static tenant configuration resolution and Dynamic tenant configuration resolution sections can be used to resolve a tenant.
After the provider authentication, the user is redirected back to the Quarkus endpoint and the tenant configuration is used to complete the authorization code flow.
All the static and dynamic tenant resolution options listed in the Static tenant configuration resolution and Dynamic tenant configuration resolution sections can be used to resolve a tenant. Before the tenant resolution begins, the authorization code flow state cookie
is used to set the already resolved tenant configuration id as a RoutingContext tenant-id
attribute: both custom dynamic TenantConfigResolver
and static TenantResolver
tenant resolvers can check it.
The tenant configuration determines how the session cookie is verified and refreshed. Before the tenant resolution begins, the authorization code flow session cookie
is used to set the already resolved tenant configuration id as a RoutingContext tenant-id
attribute: both custom dynamic TenantConfigResolver
and static TenantResolver
tenant resolvers can check it.
For example, here is how a custom TenantConfigResolver
can avoid creating the already resolved tenant configuration, that may otherwise require blocking reads from the database or other remote sources:
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import io.quarkus.oidc.OidcRequestContext;
import io.quarkus.oidc.OidcTenantConfig;
import io.quarkus.oidc.OidcTenantConfig.ApplicationType;
import io.quarkus.oidc.TenantConfigResolver;
import io.quarkus.oidc.runtime.OidcUtils;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
public class CustomTenantConfigResolver implements TenantConfigResolver {
public Uni<OidcTenantConfig> resolve(RoutingContext context, OidcRequestContext<OidcTenantConfig> requestContext) {
String resolvedTenantId = context.get(OidcUtils.TENANT_ID_ATTRIBUTE);
if (resolvedTenantId != null) { (1)
return null;
String path = context.request().path(); (2)
if (path.endsWith("tenant-a")) {
return Uni.createFrom().item(createTenantConfig("tenant-a", "client-a", "secret-a"));
} else if (path.endsWith("tenant-b")) {
return Uni.createFrom().item(createTenantConfig("tenant-b", "client-b", "secret-b"));
// Default tenant id
return null;
private OidcTenantConfig createTenantConfig(String tenantId, String clientId, String secret) {
final OidcTenantConfig config = OidcTenantConfig
.authServerUrl("http://localhost:8180/realms/" + tenantId)
return config;
1 | Let Quarkus use the already resolved tenant configuration if it has been resolved earlier. |
2 | Check the request path to create tenant configurations. |
The default configuration may look like this:
The preceding example assumes that the tenant-a
, tenant-b
and default tenants are all used to protect the same endpoint paths. In other words, after the user has authenticated with the tenant-a
configuration, this user will not be able to choose to authenticate with the tenant-b
or default configuration before this user logs out and has a session cookie cleared or expired.
The situation where multiple OIDC web-app
tenants protect the tenant-specific paths is less typical and also requires an extra care.
When multiple OIDC web-app
tenants such as tenant-a
, tenant-b
and default tenants are used to control access to the tenant specific paths, the users authenticated with one OIDC provider must not be able to access the paths requiring an authentication with another provider, otherwise the results can be unpredictable, most likely causing unexpected authentication failures.
For example, if the tenant-a
authentication requires a Keycloak authentication and the tenant-b
authentication requires an Auth0 authentication, then, if the tenant-a
authenticated user attempts to access a path secured by the tenant-b
configuration, then the session cookie will not be verified, since the Auth0 public verification keys can not be used to verify the tokens signed by Keycloak.
An easy, recommended way to avoid multiple web-app
tenants conflicting with each other is to set the tenant specific session path as shown in the following example:
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import io.quarkus.oidc.OidcRequestContext;
import io.quarkus.oidc.OidcTenantConfig;
import io.quarkus.oidc.OidcTenantConfig.ApplicationType;
import io.quarkus.oidc.TenantConfigResolver;
import io.quarkus.oidc.runtime.OidcUtils;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
public class CustomTenantConfigResolver implements TenantConfigResolver {
public Uni<OidcTenantConfig> resolve(RoutingContext context, OidcRequestContext<OidcTenantConfig> requestContext) {
String resolvedTenantId = context.get(OidcUtils.TENANT_ID_ATTRIBUTE);
if (resolvedTenantId != null) { (1)
return null;
String path = context.request().path(); (2)
if (path.endsWith("tenant-a")) {
return Uni.createFrom().item(createTenantConfig("tenant-a", "/tenant-a", "client-a", "secret-a"));
} else if (path.endsWith("tenant-b")) {
return Uni.createFrom().item(createTenantConfig("tenant-b", "/tenant-b", "client-b", "secret-b"));
// Default tenant id
return null;
private OidcTenantConfig createTenantConfig(String tenantId, String cookiePath, String clientId, String secret) {
final OidcTenantConfig config = OidcTenantConfig
.authServerUrl("http://localhost:8180/realms/" + tenantId)
.authentication().cookiePath(cookiePath).end() (3)
return config;
1 | Let Quarkus use the already resolved tenant configuration if it has been resolved earlier. |
2 | Check the request path to create tenant configurations. |
3 | Set the tenant-specific cookie paths which makes sure the session cookie is only visible to the tenant which created it. |
The default tenant configuration should be adjusted like this:
Having the same session cookie path when multiple OIDC web-app
tenants protect the tenant-specific paths is not recommended and should be avoided
as it requires even more care from the custom resolvers, for example:
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import io.quarkus.oidc.OidcRequestContext;
import io.quarkus.oidc.OidcTenantConfig;
import io.quarkus.oidc.OidcTenantConfig.ApplicationType;
import io.quarkus.oidc.TenantConfigResolver;
import io.quarkus.oidc.runtime.OidcUtils;
import io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni;
import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
public class CustomTenantConfigResolver implements TenantConfigResolver {
public Uni<OidcTenantConfig> resolve(RoutingContext context, OidcRequestContext<OidcTenantConfig> requestContext) {
String path = context.request().path(); (1)
if (path.endsWith("tenant-a")) {
String resolvedTenantId = context.get(OidcUtils.TENANT_ID_ATTRIBUTE);
if (resolvedTenantId != null) {
if ("tenant-a".equals(resolvedTenantId)) { (2)
return null;
} else {
// Require a "tenant-a" authentication
context.remove(OidcUtils.TENANT_ID_ATTRIBUTE); (3)
return Uni.createFrom().item(createTenantConfig("tenant-a", "client-a", "secret-a"));
} else if (path.endsWith("tenant-b")) {
String resolvedTenantId = context.get(OidcUtils.TENANT_ID_ATTRIBUTE);
if (resolvedTenantId != null) {
if ("tenant-b".equals(resolvedTenantId)) { (2)
return null;
} else {
// Require a "tenant-b" authentication
context.remove(OidcUtils.TENANT_ID_ATTRIBUTE); (3)
return Uni.createFrom().item(createTenantConfig("tenant-b", "client-b", "secret-b"));
// Set default tenant id
context.put(OidcUtils.TENANT_ID_ATTRIBUTE, OidcUtils.DEFAULT_TENANT_ID); (4)
return null;
private OidcTenantConfig createTenantConfig(String tenantId, String clientId, String secret) {
final OidcTenantConfig config = OidcTenantConfig
.authServerUrl("http://localhost:8180/realms/" + tenantId)
return config;
1 | Check the request path to create tenant configurations. |
2 | Let Quarkus use the already resolved tenant configuration if the already resolved tenant is expected for the current path. |
3 | Remove the tenant-id attribute if the already resolved tenant configuration is not expected for the current path. |
4 | Use the default tenant for all other paths. It is equivalent to removing the tenant-id attribute. |
Disabling tenant configurations
Custom TenantResolver
and TenantConfigResolver
implementations might return null
if no tenant can be inferred from the current request and a fallback to the default tenant configuration is required.
If you expect the custom resolvers always to resolve a tenant, you do not need to configure the default tenant resolution.
To turn off the default tenant configuration, set
The default tenant configuration is automatically disabled when |
Be aware that tenant-specific configurations can also be disabled, for example: quarkus.oidc.tenant-a.tenant-enabled=false
Programmatic OIDC start-up for multiple tenants
Static OIDC tenants can be created programmatically like in the example below:
import io.quarkus.oidc.Oidc;
import io.quarkus.oidc.OidcTenantConfig;
import jakarta.enterprise.event.Observes;
public class OidcStartup {
void observe(@Observes Oidc oidc) { (1)
oidc.create(OidcTenantConfig.authServerUrl("http://localhost:8180/realms/tenant-one").tenantId("tenant-one").build()); (2)
oidc.create(OidcTenantConfig.authServerUrl("http://localhost:8180/realms/tenant-two").tenantId("tenant-two").build()); (3)
1 | Observe OIDC event. |
2 | Create OIDC tenant 'tenant-one'. |
3 | Create OIDC tenant 'tenant-two'. |
The code above is a programmatic equivalent to the following configuration in the