Blog - page 38
1.11.1.Final fixes issues and comes with documentation improvements.
Quarkus 1.11 has been released. It comes with RESTEasy Reactive, a Dev UI, Micrometer enhancements, dev mode support for jbang, and Spring Data REST.
How to build a Quarkus application using Apache Kafka in less than 10 minutes
We are very pleased to announce the 1.3.0 release of Quarkus Tools for IntelliJ. This release brings codestarts support in the Quarkus project wizard. Codestarts The Quarkus project wizard adds a new codestarts option, allowing to enable/disable codestarts generation for Quarkus extensions that support this feature. Moving Forward If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, by all means please open an issue. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next release! Links...
How to control the amount of magic from Quarkus
1.10.5.Final fixes several important issues in Quarkus 1.10.
1.10.3.Final fixes issues and comes with documentation improvements.
How to use Kafka and Avro in a native executable