What is Quarkus?
What we mean by "Supersonic Subatomic Java".
What is Quarkus?
Traditional Java stacks were engineered for monolithic applications with long startup times and large memory requirements in a world where the cloud, containers, and Kubernetes did not exist. Java frameworks needed to evolve to meet the needs of this new world.
Quarkus was created to enable Java developers to create applications for a modern, cloud-native world. Quarkus is a Kubernetes-native Java framework tailored for GraalVM and HotSpot, crafted from best-of-breed Java libraries and standards. The goal is to make Java the leading platform in Kubernetes and serverless environments while offering developers a framework to address a wider range of distributed application architectures.
Open Source Utterly and Absolutely
Quarkus is an Open Source project licensed under the Apache License version 2.0. First and foremost, it is an open community where contributions, ideas and discussions are done in the open and contributors are welcome. Let’s join forces in building the future of Java applications.
What Makes Quarkus Different?
Developer Joy
Developers are critical to the success of almost every organization and they need the tools to build cloud-native applications quickly and efficiently. Quarkus provides a frictionless development experience through a combination of tools, libraries, extensions, and more. Quarkus makes developers more efficient with tools to improve the inner loop development cycle while in dev mode.
Learn more about Developer Joy
Quarkus was built from the ground up for Kubernetes making it easy to deploy applications without having to understand all of the complexities of the platform. Quarkus allows developers to automatically generate Kubernetes resources including building and deploying container images without having to manually create YAML files.
Learn more about Kubernetes-native
Best of Breed Libraries and Standards
Quarkus provides a cohesive, fun to use, full-stack framework by leveraging a growing list of hundreds of best-of-breed libraries that you love and use. All wired on a standard backbone.
Learn more about Standards
Imperative and reactive code
Quarkus is designed to seamlessly combine the familiar imperative style code and the non-blocking, reactive style when developing applications.
This is helpful for both Java developers who are used to working with the imperative model and don’t want to switch things up, and those working with a cloud-native/reactive approach. The Quarkus development model can adapt itself to whatever app you’re developing.
Learn more about Reactive