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Deploy Quarkus applications to OpenShift in a single step

As an application developer, you build and deploy your Quarkus applications to OpenShift in a single step. Complete one of the following commands:

quarkus build quarkus deploy openshift
./mvnw install -Dquarkus.openshift.deploy=true
./gradlew build -Dquarkus.openshift.deploy=true

With these commands, you build your application locally, trigger a container image build, and apply the generated OpenShift resources automatically.

The generated resources use a Kubernetes Deployment, but still make use of OpenShift-specific resources, such as Route, BuildConfig, and so on.


  • You have OpenJDK 17 or later installed.

  • You have set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location of the Java SDK.

  • You have access to an OpenShift cluster and the latest compatible version of the oc CLI tool installed.

  • You are working in the correct OpenShift project namespace.

To run this deployment, it is not necessary to have the quarkus-openshift extension included in your Quarkus project.

Build and deploy in a single step

  1. Trigger a build and deployment in a single step:

quarkus build quarkus deploy openshift
./mvnw install -Dquarkus.openshift.deploy=true
./gradlew build -Dquarkus.openshift.deploy=true

If you want to test your application immediately, set the quarkus.openshift.route.expose configuration property to true to expose the service automatically.

For example, add -Dquarkus.openshift.route.expose=true to the above command. For more information, see Exposing routes.

As of OpenShift 4.14, the DeploymentConfig object is deprecated. Deployment is now the default and preferred deployment kind for the quarkus-openshift extension.

Because of this change, consider the following:

  • If you redeploy applications that you previously deployed by using DeploymentConfig, by default, those applications use Deployment but do not remove the previous DeploymentConfig. This leads to a deployment of both new and old applications, so, you must remove the old DeploymentConfig manually. If you want to continue to use DeploymentConfig, it is still possible to do so by explicitly setting quarkus.openshift.deployment-kind to DeploymentConfig.

  • Deployment is a Kubernetes resource and not OpenShift specific, so it cannot leverage ImageStream resources, as is the case with DeploymentConfig. Therefore, the image references must include the container image registry that hosts the image.

For more information about the deprecation, how to set up and use automatic rollbacks, triggers, lifecycle hooks, and custom strategies, see the Red Hat Knowledgebase article DeploymentConfig API is being deprecated in Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.


  1. Verify that an image stream and a service resource are created and the application is deployed by using the OpenShift web console.

    quarkus.container-image.group=<project/namespace name>

    Alternatively, run the following OpenShift command-line interface (CLI) commands:

    oc get is (1)
    oc get pods (2)
    oc get svc (3)
    1 List the image streams created.
    2 List the pods associated with your current OpenShift project.
    3 List the Kubernetes services.
  2. To get the log output for your application’s pod, enter the following command:

    oc logs -f <pod_name>

    By default, the service is not exposed to the outside world. Therefore, if you did not expose the created service automatically by setting the quarkus.openshift.route.expose=true property before building the application, you can expose the service manually.

    oc expose svc/openshift-quickstart (1)
    oc get routes (2)
    curl http://<route>/hello (3)
    1 Expose the service.
    2 Get the list of exposed routes.
    3 Access your application.

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