Testing virtual thread applications

In a previous post, we have seen how to implement a CRUD application using virtual threads in Quarkus. The following video shows how to test this application and, specifically, how to detect pinning.

The complete code of the application and the tests are available in the virtual threads demos repository.

Pinning and Monopolization

Virtual threads combine an imperative development model with a reactive execution mode. It may provide a simple way to increase the concurrency of an application. However, this might not always be the case.

As described in another blog post, there are a few limitations, including monopolizing and pinning carrier threads. When this happens, the application’s performance can drastically decrease and increase memory usage. Pinning for a short period can be tolerated, but it can be dramatic under load.

While, at the moment, there are no reliable ways to detect monopolization, there are mechanisms to detect pinning.

Printing stack traces when a carrier thread gets pinned

Suppose you have your application, and your code base contains tests. You can configure Surefire (or the plugin you use to execute your tests) to dump a stack trace as soon as a virtual thread is going to pin the carrier thread (instead of being unmounted smoothly). You must set the jdk.tracePinnedThreads system property to achieve this. For the Surefire Maven plugin, add the argLine parameter to the configuration:


With this configuration, when, while running your test, a carrier thread is pinned, the stack trace is dumped in the console:

2023-09-15 07:51:18,312 INFO  [org.acm.cru.TodoResource] (quarkus-virtual-thread-0) Called on VirtualThread[#140,quarkus-virtual-thread-0]/runnable@ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1
    org.acme.crud.TodoResource.pinTheCarrierThread(TodoResource.java:93) <== monitors:1
    org.acme.crud.TodoResource$quarkusrestinvoker$getAll_0e9c86666ef01bafda5560c4bf86952c6cf09993.invoke(Unknown Source)

Analyzing the application logs will tell you whether your application is pinning. Furthermore, a closer look at the stack trace will give you the reason. In our example, the pinTheCarrierThread method is taking a lock. This is indicated by the monitors:1 text:

    org.acme.crud.TodoResource.pinTheCarrierThread(TodoResource.java:93) <== monitors:1

This approach can also be used in production (so, not only in tests). You can also determine how long the carrier thread was blocked by correlating the pinned stack trace with other log events (like what happened just after in the same thread).

Failing tests

Dumping the stack trace may not be very convenient when your logs are already long. Fortunately, we released a small Junit 5 extension that allows you to fail the tests when pinning is detected. It’s advantageous when you integrate a third-party library, and you need to know how virtual-thread-friendly it is (to decide between regular worker threads and virtual threads)

The loom-unit Junit5 extension is currently a separated project. We are integrating it into the Quarkus test framework (under the junit5-virtual-threads name), so some of the steps mentioned below won’t be necessary anymore or will be changed slightly.

To use this extension, make sure you have the loom-unit extension in your project:

    <groupId>me.escoffier.loom</groupId> <!-- Will become io.quarkus.junit5 -->
    <artifactId>loom-unit</artifactId>   <!-- Will become junit5-virtual-threads -->
    <version>0.3.0</version>             <!-- Will become unnecessary -->

Then, in your test, use @ExtendWith to enable the extension:

@ExtendWith(LoomUnitExtension.class) // <--- Enable the extension (will become @VirtualThreadUnit)
@ShouldNotPin  // <--- Detect pinning
class TodoResourceTest {
    // ...

Finally, use the @ShouldNotPin annotation to indicate to fail the test if any of the methods of the test case pins the carrier thread. You can also use the @ShouldNotPin annotation on methods.

If, during the execution of a test, a pinning event is captured, the test fails. The stack trace of the event is attached to the test failure:

java.lang.AssertionError: The test testInitialItems() was expected to NOT pin the carrier thread, but we collected 1 event(s)
* Pinning event captured:

Find more about the loom-unit extension on the project repository or its Quarkus sibling.


This blog explains how you can detect pinning events while running your tests. First, you can dump the stack trace in the log. Second, you can use the @ShouldNotPin annotation to fail the tests if a pinning event is captured. Thanks to this PR, the loom-unit extension will be integrated into the @QuarkusTest to provide a simpler developer experience. It will be part of Quarkus in the next release (3.5.x).