Quarkus Newsletter #23 - August

The August Quarkus Newletter has been released! What’s new this month? Plenty! Get a great understanding of OpenTelemetry with Eric Deandrea’s article "OpenTelemetry: A Quarkus Superheroes demo of Observability". Get the good and bad experiences of a developer jumping into the deep end on a project with María Arias de Reyna Domínguez’s article "Bungee jumping into Quarkus: blindfolded but happy". Roberto Piva has a wonderful article about "API-first development with Quarkus". Szabolcs Dékány discusses "Native Images and Quarkus: JVM-less Java". Learn about Redis®* with Dewan Ahmed’s "Lightweight and blazing-fast Java app using Quarkus and Redis®*" article.

You will also see the lastest Quarkus Insights episodes, top tweets and upcoming Quarkus attended events.

Check out Newsletter #23!

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We’ve also included the list of the newest found online stories. Give it a read and if you feel something is missing or have an article coming out for future Quarkus Newsletter install the bookmarklet on your laptop and phone to easily submit a story. If you prefer the manual way please open an issue with a short description and a url.