Quarkus Newsletter #17 - February

The February Newsletter has been published! This month, you can find an introduction to the new Quarkus Superheroes sample application as well as articles teaching you how to get started with Stork Service Discovery, Java Asynchronous Programming with Java, Distributed tracing with Istio, Quarkus and Jaeger, Monitoring Quarkus Prometheus and Grafana, and how to create a Quarkus extension for AWS Cloudwatch. Of course it includes selected Quarkus Insights podcast videos, top tweets, and the latest community events around Quarkus.

Check out Newsletter #17!

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We’ve also included the list of the newest found online stories. Give it a read and if you feel something is missing or have an article coming out for future Quarkus Newsletter install the bookmarklet on your laptop and phone to easily submit a story. If you prefer the manual way please open an issue with a short description and a url.