Quarkus 2.0.0.Alpha3 released - GraalVM 21.1, SmallRye GraphQL Client...

We just released our third Alpha for Quarkus 2.0 which contains several enhancements and new features:

  • #17014 - Update to GraalVM 21.1

  • #17350 - SmallRye GraphQL Client extension + 1.2.1 upgrade

  • #16857 - Add Amazon SSM extension

  • #16963 - Add quarkus:test goal

  • #17232 - Introduce coroutine support in Reactive Messaging

  • #17056 - Add support for coroutines to the rest client

  • #16951 - Add support for hibernate.metadata_builder_contributor

If you have missed our previous announcements:

Migration Guide

We will keep the Migration Guide up to date here: https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/wiki/Migration-Guide-2.0.


The documentation for the main branch is available on the website.

Full Changelog

You can get the full changelogs of 2.0.0.Alpha3 on GitHub.

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