Quarkus Insights #4 and #5: JHipster and Quarkify

We got two more Quarkus insights up and ready.

Next Episode(s)

On Tuesday June 9th 05:00 EST / 11:00 CEST / 14:30 IST we will do Quarkus Insights #6: GraalVM and Mandrel with Andrew Dinn.

Andrew Dinn is founder of Byteman and contributor to OpenJDK. He and team recently contributed debug support to GraalVM and also key figure in the recently announced Mandrel effort.

He will come and talk on his work in OpenJDK and GraalVM and how Quarkus and Mandrel relates to all this.

To join current live show or see the next one scheduled bookmark this link: https://youtube.com/quarkusio/live