Quarkus 2.0.0.CR2 released - Towards Final

We just started the candidate release cycle for 2.0.0.Final.

Feedback is very welcome so if you have a Quarkus app around, please give it a go.

Make sure you update both the BOM version and the Quarkus Maven Plugin version to 2.0.0.CR2.

Also, we only publish the quarkus-bom for non-Final releases so make sure you use this BOM and not the quarkus-universe-bom for testing.

Small issue with IDEs

We noticed a last minute issue with IDEs today related to a new annotation processor we introduced.

The workaround for now is to disable annotation processors in your IDE (that might not work very well if you’re using others though).

For instance, for Eclipse users, you can add the <m2e.apt.activation>disabled</m2e.apt.activation> property in your POM file.

Anyway, this issue shouldn’t prevent you from testing your existing applications and will be fixed in our Final release.

Migration Guide

We keep the Migration Guide up to date here: https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/wiki/Migration-Guide-2.0.


The documentation for the main branch is available on the website.

Full Changelog

You can get the full changelogs of 2.0.0.CR1 2.0.0.CR2 on GitHub.

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