Posts by Guillaume Smet

Posts by Guillaume Smet

Software Engineer at Red Hat on Quarkus and Hibernate Validator/Search/ORM.


1.10.3.Final fixes issues and comes with documentation improvements.

Quarkus 1.10 has been released. JSON is now the default content type for your REST resources, multiple reactive datasources are supported and we added several registries to our Micrometer extension.

1.9.2.Final fixes issues and comes with documentation improvements.

1.9.1.Final fixes issues and comes with documentation improvements.

Quarkus 1.9 has been released with lots of improvements on top of existing features.

1.8.3.Final downgrades slf4j-jboss-logging to fix a regression.

1.8.2.Final fixes some bugs and includes some documentation improvements.

1.8.1.Final fixes some regressions and bugs and introduces the RESTEasy Multipart extension.

Quarkus 1.8 has been released with multiple persistence units support, a Micrometer extension, jbang integration and an update to GraalVM 20.2.

1.7.2.Final fixes some regressions and bugs.